
A multiplatform Twitch chat overlay for streamers to follow their stream chat while gaming.

Developed in C++ using Qt and QML, this application provides a customisable transparent overlay with various options such as audible notifications, transparency, scaling, backdrop images, and message expiration (fading out). So far it has been built and tested on Windows 8/10 and Ubuntu Linux.

Once configured and linked to the account, the application tucks away into the system tray.

The UI text is fully translatable, but only English is implemented at this point. The OAuth2 server-side implementation is written in PHP and, using CURL, provides authenticate and refresh facilities. It is provided alongside the rest of the project code.

/projects/twitchoverlay-1.png /projects/twitchoverlay-2.png /projects/twitchoverlay-3.png

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Design based on Falkon design, which is in turn based on the Swift theme for Jekyll.

Highlight.js used in portfolio section for syntax highlighting.